the show “decade”from dennis in this china international fashion week is a comprehensive displayof its whole series of products, it’s also a review of its ten years history.
have to say, in the past more than 3000 days and nights, dennis has completedher transformation. with the mixture of rich oriental gene and sense unique westerntone, dennis has come to its original style in the field of wedding dress.
if the show "decade"gives a complete interpretation of the cultivation and classic value of dennis,the cooperation between dennis and huqiu wedding dress mall in the chinainternational fashion week's will indicate more.
both enterprises locates insuzhou, one being a top mall in the wedding dress industry, occupying 300,000square meter and 70% market share, the other a vigorous wedding dress designerbrand, with a 360 ° customizing concept only to create happiness with high-qualitywedding dress. the combination of the two may not seem to match well, but implicatesa deeper meaning and brighter future.
in fact, it iswidely known that suzhou has been an important hub for waterways since ancienttimes, it has been very crucial economic development due to its location,especially for importing western products. suzhou has often been a hot choicefor a variety of exotic items to transport into
in suzhou, with 300,000 square meter volume,huqiu has ascend the top malls for wedding dress in asia. various brands includingdennis in the domestic market are also taking crucial positions. in thisinternational fashion week, huqiu wedding dress mall, together with dennis and twoother brands, appears to give people a new view on the domestic wedding dressfashion, which is that suzhou is becoming a new domain.
from theperspective of huqiu wedding dress mall and dennis separately, the content oftheir cooperation would be even more interesting.
from the time point of view, dennishas just concluded a ten-year journey of development and is ushering in a newand broader space for development. its 360 ° customizing concept is gradually beingrecognized by the market. and suzhou huqiu wedding city already has a 30-yearhistory of accumulation, and has just completed a magnificent turn of buildinga service platform for wedding dress fashion. it is gaining more features inbusiness mode rather than only excelling in volumes.
the cooperation of the twocan maximize both their strengths, huqiu wedding dress mall can fulfill itssupport to original design and attracts more top class wedding dress brands tojoin in. and dennis could use a broader platform to gain both better productquality and market channel.
perhaps one showis not enough to indicate the replete meaning of the cooperation between dennis and suzhou huqiu wedding dress mall, butthere is no doubt that suzhou is rising as a new domain for wedding dressfashion. in the future, suzhou will bring more surprises to the domesticwedding dress industry.
let’s wait and see if it is a fully fruitfulcooperation when another decade passes.
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